Wednesday, August 17, 2005

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Last Work Semester

Just talked with my boss at Constructware. It's final now: this fall will be my last semester as a co-op for Constructware. As a cooperative student, you alternate working and going to school by semesters, and you do this year round. Most co-ops graduate in 5 years, but it is invaluable work experience that really puts you ahead of the game when you get out of college and start looking for a job. It's also a great way to earn cash while in school. I decided to stop working as a coop so that I can double major in CS (computer science) and INTA/ECON (international affairs and economics). While I love CS and the problems and challenges that it affords, I really feel like the education I'm getting with a CS degree at Tech is something short of a general, life-applicable education. It feels more like vocational school or job training. INTA/ECON is a new major at Tech and I've heard only good things about it, so hopefully I'll find alot of engaging problems and opportunities there. Adding any major to your education at tech adds at least 36 hours to your overall course schedule, which is the equivalent of an extra year of classes, which means if I were to stay with my job and try to double major, I would probably be at Tech for 6 years. I'm not sure that is something that I'm willing to do. So the job got the axe, and hopefully it was the right choice.
On a lighter note, I'm finally settled in my new townhouse and loving it. I'm right next to school, and within walking distance of Piedmont Park, Atlanta's premiere park.
Hope everyone's been enjoying their summer!

Summer Semester is OVER!!

Summer semester just ended Aug 5th. I was taking 3 very difficult classes over the summer, which left me with many sleepless nights. The classes were Physics I, Object Oriented Design, and Systems and Networks.
Object Oriented Design was a design class in which we split up into groups and have a semester long project, whose requirements are revealed to us incrementally as the class progresses. I unfortunately ended up in a group that had some serious issues. There were 5 deadlines we had to meet, and we fell pathetically short on 3 of them. Luckily we had a midterm and a final to help us out with our grades. I ended up with a C in that class and was thankful for it.
In Systems and Networks, we got to learn the basic hardware of a computer. We learned how processors work (the things that do the math in your comp), how RAM is managed (where your running programs are kept), how hard drives work (the things that store all your data), and how they all work together. It was a very interesting class, but it was also very fast paced and hard to keep up with. The class included 5 projects and 2 tests. I was pretty content to receive a B in that class.
Physics was a class that I expected to be able to sleep through, and I was right. Unfortunately though, I allotted too little time to the class because I felt like I didn't need it. I neglected alot of the homework, and frequently didn't go to class. None of this was really a problem in terms of test grades, as I got A's and B's on all of the tests, but attendance was mandatory and homework was worth a letter grade, so all in all I ended up with a C in the class. A 79 with change (an 80 is a B), but the prof wouldn't change it, so a C it is.
So, 2 C's and a B. Not a pretty semester, but my GPA is still a 3.1, so I'm still doing ok. That was a really unfortunate semester, because in the summer we only get 11 weeks of class, as opposed to the normal 16 weeks, but the professors still want to cover all of the material. And add in a couple of project classes and you're really swamped. But I'm through it and done, and hopefully stronger for it. And I'm looking forward to my semester of work.
Hope everyone else is doing great, and I hope to see you all on here soon!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

testing testing

this is a test of the St. Clair broadcast system
*annoying noise*